[The Town of Ophir unanimously approved the following
resolution on July 18, 2000. David Glynn, as mayor, and Lawrence Van
Hoey, as town clerk, signed the original document.]
Resolution 2000-1 Supporting Preservation of the
Telluride Valley Floor as Open Space
Whereas, the General Assembly finds that the preservation
of open space and natural viewscapes is essential to the preservation
of the unique lifestyle and environment of this region; and,
Whereas, the General Assembly finds that the San
Miguel River and its riparian areas are invaluable and irreplaceable
natural resources that must be protected, restored and preserved for
current and future generations; and,
Whereas, the General Assembly finds that the reduction
of potential development by the preservation of open space will promote
the health and welfare of our regional community;
Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the General Assembly
that the Town of Ophir hereby supports all efforts to diligently pursue
preservation of the Telluride valley floor as open space and further
supports the respectful cooperation by all involved parties to reach
a solution that reflects the wisdom of our generation and our respect
for future generations.